- therapists, counselors, psychologists, social workers
- 25 CE’s are available for social workers, and counselors (License no: IL 159-001178) and for psychologists (License no: IL 268-000036)
- spiritual and retreat directors, ministers
- business coaches and consultants
- managers, human resource personnel
- teachers
- anyone interested in personal development and insight into their own personality style and the styles of people in their life

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What Our Trainees Say
Jerry is very personable and real and authentic and really cares about people’s transformation.
Jerry’s teaching style is very endearing. He has excellent understanding of the Enneagram system. It helps me in my personal and business life. I highly recommend this Training.
Not only is Jerry a highly credited individual, he has written two books on the subject. He’s been studying the Enneagram since the 70’s. He has a great sense of humor, a great communicator. Our class really enjoyed him and enjoyed one another. We grew to understand the Enneagram well; we grew to understand one another well. The Training was a great exercise in learning the Enneagram and being able to transfer what we learned as well.
I like Jerry’s teaching style. I think his book, the Nine Lenses on the World is fantastic. I like studying with all the good Enneagram teachers and Jerry is one of the best. He draws a community of people from all over the world. I appreciate Jerry’s humor. His take on the Enneagram is really unique and very practical..
I own a financial life planning practice. The Enneagram helps me be a better listener and more compassionate towards what my clients are trying to get across to me about what is meaningful to them. While this is a very serious subject and is very deep and broad, Jerry has an easy and funny way about him.
Singapore Training Testimonials
- Your sharing of examples for each type brought clarity and better appreciation and understanding of types. Your demeanor of delivery brought the best out in people that they were willing to share openly in class. Bouquets of thanks, Jerry, for teaching us the Enneagram. You’re a gem.
- The methodology – delving into each personality, exploring the persona, the dynamics of the subtypes. I appreciated the no rush approach. It made every type comfortable and the way you did it kept an ever growing interest into discovering the others. Sense of humor. An extraordinary ability to give examples both from own experience and other sources, e.g., movies, etc. A respectful sensitivity of people.
- There was something for every style and learner. Videos, article references, etc.
- Loved the sharings as it gave each numbers’ characteristics a lot of meaning and became easier to relate the theory to reality.
- The pace was good. Never felt the rush to finish topics which normally happens in workshops
Chicago Training Testimonials
- Elements of the training I found useful: panel of students discussing their numbers; great style of presentation; breaking information down so new students can understand as easily as the experienced students.
- I liked the exercises. I especially liked the paradigm of “I am/I am not” with defense mechanisms. I’ve never understood the defense mechanisms before and this schema helped a lot.
- I found the materials, the PowerPoint’s, and people sharing from their types helpful and enlightening. I also loved the stories and found them helpful in understanding.
- You were curious about how certain things showed up in the types without seeming to lead or coach the person into any agenda of your own. They spoke their own truth.
- I loved your openness. Found the input of therapists and spiritual directors very useful. Your insights on each type was beautifully organized, complete, and very perceptive. Also loved getting a lot of bibliographical references for me to provide knowledge of counseling strategies.
- What I found useful: Great concise teaching and pace of presenting the material; your lightness, humor, stories; your ability to relate psychological theories, spiritual practice, business theory, etc. to the Enneagram; you honor your colleagues’ perspectives; you are a refreshing reminder of the Enneagram’s depth and delight and practical simplicity.
- I have found this training very very informative. The following I can use in my work: I can learn more about my personality, use as chaplain, and especially in my spiritual direction training. The training helps me develop more and become more well-rounded.